The City of Murray, Kentucky

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Other Items

Health Insurance

The City of Murray operates a self-insured health insurance plan trust - Employee Benefit Trust (EBT). The trust pays claims and prescription costs through the premiums it collects from the City and employees. Currently, the City utilizes an outside agent to administer the plan and a third-part provider to process the claims and expenses.

A periodic schedule of premiums, interest, refunds & reimbursements, claims, reinsurance charges, and trust balance is available in the Downloads section below.

General Fund Grants

From time to time, the City of Murray is fortunate to receive various grants from Federal, State, and local entities. These grants serve a variety of needs with the City such as purchasing public safety equipment, providing for community development projects, and enhancing public transportation. Generally speaking, grants can take the form of a dollar-for-dollar reimbursement of expenditures or require "matching" funds from the City.

A grant summary schedule is available in the Downloads section below. 


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