The City of Murray, Kentucky

Home > Public Works > Sanitation > Residential Household Waste Collection Instructions

Residential Household Waste Collection Instructions

The Murray Sanitation Department provides each residence within the City of Murray a 95 gallon wheeled container. Residents are required to place household garbage into the container and roll it to the curb on the resident's regular collection day for pick-up. Garbage will be collected once per week. If you need more than one container, the Murray Sanitation Department will provide additional containers for an additional fee of $10.00 per month, per additional container. Please note, the Murray Sanitation Department will only empty City of Murray containers and will not pick-up loose bags or empty other containers not owned by the City.

Listed below are requirement for the residential curbside garbage collection.

  1. The wheeled container should be placed curbside no later than 7:00 am on your regular collection day. Containers placed curbside after 7:00 am may be missed by the driver. If the container is not curbside by the time of the truck arrives, this indicates that no service is needed. We will not return until the next scheduled collection day.
  2. The container should be placed curbside with the handles facing the residence. This ensures that the lid will not be broken when emptying. If the resident improperly places the container curbside and damage occurs, the resident may be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement.
  3. Do not place the container within 3 feet of any stationary object such as: a car, mailbox, utility poles, trees, shrubs, fences, etc. Doing so may prevent collection of the contents of the container. Collection will not be reattempted until the next scheduled collection day.
  4. The wheeled container should be removed from the curbside as soon as possible after pick-up.
  5. Each wheeled container is serial numbered and is issued to a specific address and must not be removed from the premises. If a dwelling is vacated, the outgoing resident should notify the Murray Sanitation Department. If a resident moves within the City, a container will be furnished at the new address.
  6. The wheeled container remains the property of the City of Murray. The container must not be painted, abused, mutilated, altered or modified in any manner. If the container is damaged beyond repair by the resident, the resident will be held responsible for the replacement cost of the container.
  7. Record the serial number of your containers. If you container is lost or stolen, report it immediately to the Sanitation Department. Failure to do so may delay the replacement of your container.
  8. The container lid must be kept closed at all times, except when placing household garbage in the container. This prevents water from entering and placing unnecessary weight on the container. It also prevents trash from blowing out and the entry of insects.
  9. The container shall not be filled to overflowing. The container lid must be closed to be collected. This prevents spillage during collection and deters excessive weight which could damage the container.
  10. The following items shall not be placed in the container: Paint, gasoline, solvents, oil, liquids of any kind, hot ashes, hot charcoal, batteries, tires, hazardous wastes, bricks, blocks, building or construction material or any other items not normally found in household garbage. Contents of the containers shall be limited to normal household refuse.
  11. Containers shall be kept clean to comply with health and sanitation requirements. This is the responsibility of the resident. To clean, use water and household detergent.
  12. If you are denied service due to a violation of one or more of the above rules, once the problem has been corrected, "Call Back" service may be provided before the next scheduled service date for an additional fee.
  13. Do not let children play in or with your container.

If your container is in need of repair, please contact the Murray Sanitation Department. The Murray Sanitation Department will make repairs due to normal wear and tear on containers at no charge. The resident will be responsible for the cost of repairs to or replacement of a container due to neglect, abuse or destruction.

Individuals 65 years of age or older, living alone, may receive sanitation services at a reduced rate. Please contact the Sanitation Department for more details.

Individuals with permanent, physical disabilities that prevent them from being physically able to roll the container to the curb may qualify for Special Collection Services. Please contact the Sanitation Department for details and requirements.

For missed pick ups, complaints, and damaged cans/dumpsters, call us at (270) 762-0380.

Public Works